Learn More About Industrial Hemp

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Process of Regenerative Farming

who we are

Our Mission is to Inspire and Educate

In our dedication to fostering a community of environmentally conscious farmers, RegenFields is committed to nurturing regenerative practices. Our vision goes beyond the fields, encompassing the education and empowerment of local farmers, corporations, and individuals.

Mission Statement
Good for the planet

Regenerative Agriculture

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Regenerative agriculture is an approach to farming and land management that focuses on restoring and enhancing the health of ecosystems. Unlike traditional farming methods that may deplete the soil and rely heavily on chemical inputs, regenerative agriculture aims to promote soil health, biodiversity, and overall ecosystem resilience.

“If we are going to create changes that will provide meaningful improvement to our environment, we’re not going to be able to use the same agricultural practices that got us into this mess”

- Ken Elliot, IND HEMP

Versatile & Sustainable

Industrial Hemp

Hemp offers a wide range of products. Its fibers can be used to create durable textiles, ropes, and paper, providing eco-friendly alternatives to traditional materials. Hemp seeds are rich in nutrition, yielding hemp oil and protein powder, which are valuable additions to a healthy diet. Additionally, hemp can be employed in the production of biodegradable plastics, construction materials, and biofuels. Its fast growth and minimal need for pesticides make it an environmentally friendly option for various industries. Overall, hemp serves as a renewable resource with applications spanning from textiles and food products to eco-conscious alternatives in manufacturing.

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Rising Demand

Opportunities in the Global Market

Global opportunities in farming hemp are expanding rapidly, as the versatile plant not only meets the rising demand for sustainable textiles, nutrition, and biofuels but also presents a valuable option for farmers seeking eco-friendly alternatives and diverse income streams worldwide.

7 African Countries

Only about 7 African countries including; Lesotho, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Rwanda, and Ghana have currently legalized the cultivation of industrial hemp for medicinal and industrial purposes, subject to legal license acquisition.

CO2 Converters

"Numerous studies estimate that hemp is one of the best CO2-to-biomass converters. It's even more effective than trees. Industrial hemp absorbs between 8 to 15 tonnes of CO2 per hectare of cultivation. In comparison, forests typically capture 2 to 6 tonnes of CO2 per hectare per year."  – Darshil Shah, Senior researcher at the Centre for Natural Material Innovation at Cambridge.

$9.64 Billion by 2025

Global industrial hemp market is expected to generate around USD 9.64 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of around 13.5% between 2019 and 2025. The need for industrial hemp products is increasing significantly on a daily basis, due to the rising health awareness among global consumers.

$42 Million in Exports & Imports

Global exports and imports of some hemp products amount to only $42 million, offering huge opportunities for growth. With its easy cultivation and vast environmental and economic potential, industrial hemp cultivation can be the way forward for the growth of sustainable value chains in local and regional markets for many developing countries.

Want to Become a Farmer?

We'll guide you through the essential steps to prepare for a career as an Industrial Hemp Farmer.

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